dinsdag, augustus 19, 2003
A female photographer has been banned from travelling on the same plane as the Romanian soccer team because of the team's superstitions, Romanian newspaper Gazeta Sporturilor reports.
Officials from the Romanian team later confirmed that the newspaper's photographer Gabriela Arsenie, who won an award for best sports photo of the year in 1999, had been barred from the flight. "No woman (has) travelled with the national team's plane so far, and that's why we did not allow the photographer to come with us," said an official.
Romanian players and their coaches are among the most superstitious in the world. Coach Anghel Iordanescu often visits church before matches and carries religious icons during the game. As a rule each player's first step on to the field must be on their right foot, all put some grass from the pitch into their breast pocket while some also put basil in their boots the night before matches.
The national team's bus also never reverses when players are aboard and nobody is allowed to whistle while on it.
Bron: Reuters.
Officials from the Romanian team later confirmed that the newspaper's photographer Gabriela Arsenie, who won an award for best sports photo of the year in 1999, had been barred from the flight. "No woman (has) travelled with the national team's plane so far, and that's why we did not allow the photographer to come with us," said an official.
Romanian players and their coaches are among the most superstitious in the world. Coach Anghel Iordanescu often visits church before matches and carries religious icons during the game. As a rule each player's first step on to the field must be on their right foot, all put some grass from the pitch into their breast pocket while some also put basil in their boots the night before matches.
The national team's bus also never reverses when players are aboard and nobody is allowed to whistle while on it.
Bron: Reuters.